Thursday, May 8, 2008

I was jogging today!
I just came back!
I'm so happpyyyy :)
Jogging is one of my favourite things in the world
it's that me time, the time for me to be alone, to think
I'm slowly regaining my fitness
there's something so beautiful about the reconstruction period, when you lose it all and start again
when I run my thoughts run wild in every direction
a few years ago, at times when I just wanted to get away from it all, I used to go the club with my notebook run run run and the sit back relax and write.... it was my own little ritual
I didn't have my notebook today so I forgot most of the things that were going through my head
I was mostly thinking of growing up
and now I'm not even in the mood to write them down....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

swimming does the same thing for me ... it's cleansing in some sense. Reading this made me smile, and want to be more active again :)

seriously, thank you!

and i wish i could take MY reconstruction period as positively as you do... so keep going girl, you'll sure make it sooner than u think :)
