Saturday, March 22, 2008

Finding my way in this crazy world

Journalism? Religion? Identity? Interests? Friends?
I'm questioning them all the time....
Everytime I'm in mass com class I'd be like "blablabla" in my head...
I don't belong here ... I just want to run away
every single day I come up with something new to major in but I don't....
I chose Journalsim for the excitement I guess....
That extreme life, where everyday I'd be exploring something new, travelling allover the globe and talking to people .... I don't feel it anymore, I don't even remember the last time I enjoyed reading news... I like feature stories and soft news... sometimes... but ....
It just isn't my thing
I will minor in theatre... and maybe when I graduate I'll study film somewhere abroad
I get so scared because I'm a very passionate about the things I do, but this passion fades away so fast, before I can even acheive anything or get anywhere with it
I envy those people who know what they are and what they want, the people who light up when talking about the things they do
like our tabla teacher, I'm taking a tabla course in University ... and our Instructor, when she talks about tabla you feel that she's talking about the man she loves or something, it's so genuine and amazing....
here's her blog
I love watching her play ... you just feel it
I wish I would just know...
I want passion in my life


maxxedout said...

Stop deleting posts!

Daysleeper said...

nice post-- i know this feeling.

i felt the same way 5 years ago but you know what--people never know what they want, eventually they just notice that something feels better than the other things they've been doing so they stick to it--or they dont, and they kill themselves slowly :)

it's what you have the patience for more than what you're PASSIONATE about
passion burns out-- that long lasting type of feeling is more like a deep friendship i think

just try to notice what makes you feel alive-- what is the thing you could do for hours and hours and never get bored? even the little things, i noticed i was obsessed with the tv ever since i was little kid. so the love of image translated into art and film. i noticed i love drawing in my notebooks and making up stories and diaries--which turned into making art and writing.

also mass comm is HELL. journalism is nothing like mass comm courses. if you love journalism then you'll survive the crap.

you seem passionate, and you seem like someone who's learned a lot about herself and is going to learn waaay more than she ever bargained for in the next few years :) but you'll figure it out, you seem like a strong girl

silent observer said...

I didn't delete any posts... not on this blog at least

and daysleeper thank you for the comment but the thing is... I'm anything but strong heheh
when I used to be a little girl I used to daydream, write stories and talk, talk and talk