Thursday, June 5, 2008

"My stuttering, I need hardly say, placed an obstacle between me and the outside world. It is the first sound that I have trouble in uttering. The first sound is like a key to the door that seperates my inner world from the outside world, and I have never known that key to turn smoothly in its lock. Most people, thanks to their easy command of words, can keep this door between the inner world and outer world wide open, so that the air passes freelybetween the two; but for me this has been quite impossible. Thick rust has gathered on the key."

"Once my solitude had started, I realized anew it was easy for me to become accustomed to this state and that the most effortless excistence for me was in fact in which I was not obliged to speak to anyone."

Yukio Mishima- The Temple of the Golden Pavilion

I know that my stuttering is not THAT bad but I really liked these parts and I totally relate to the second one. I have to read more of Yukio Mishima. I love his writing and the way he digs so deep in the human psychology.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I REEAALLY like these quotes! Thanks for sharing them.

lol, although my stuttering isn't that bad either, actually stuttering isn't my problem, i talk way too fast that some of the letters are not even heard or are pronounced incorrectly!! It's when I try to repeat them over and over again for others to understand that I might start getting nervous and stutter.