I always said I hated the frensh language, frensh people and everything frensh.... everytime someone mentions how beautiful Paris is I would just roll my eyes... I think it's because I was failing in frensh at school, and I simply can't pronounce frensh words. I think it has something with arabic being my first language and german the second.... german and frensh just don't click... anyway... after watching before sunset I thought... hmmmm maybe paris isn't that bad... actually, I know it isn't I've been there once as a kid, I don't remember much but I remember that it was a nice place, I remember Diseny world very very well though.
I watched Paris, je t'aime and now I realllly wanna go again... it's so beautiful isn't it? I wanna fall in love in Paris... it's such a cliche I know.... but a beautiful beautiful cliche....
Actually the FrenCh have some nice things about the air around them ... certain nice romantic things about them are really admirable ... sa7ee7 el 7aswaka webtaa3 bass something about them is really adorable :)
you never mentioned before that german is your 2nd language! is it better than english? and in this case u read Das Parfum in german, right?
and about the cliche, after watching the movie it didn't remain a cliche anymore.. love itself was a cliche to me till I watched movies like the before twins and Garden state. after them it became something unique and has millions of faces. the words "I love you" or "je t'aime" as still cliches to me though.. great love stories don't have to start with them.
no I read it in english heheh but I wanted to read it in german....
I asked my dad to get it for me when he was in germany and he got me the english version
I asked him why he got me the english one.... it's obvious law howa raye7 almania yeb2a i want the german one
and he was like I've never seen you holding a german book
I read der kontrabass in german though, another book by his
I'll get the german version next summer ba2a
well, last night when I was trying to sleep I thought I can ask someone I know to send it to me from germany. is Zuskind's language easy? for my german is very weak. very very weak. I want to start with something for I know the only way I can get into german again is to start reading even if I didn't know 3 words in every line. would u recommend me something? and can I get it from here? oh and did u know that soor el azbakeyya is full of german novels?
his language is easy but it might not be for a beginner I guess... and it's Sueskind not Zueskind hehe it's pronounced that way though
now that I watched the movie, do u have a favorite among the little stories? did u relate to any of them?
I love most of them,but my nr 1 fav is the natalie portman and the blind guy one, it's so beautiful... I don't think I can relate to it though because I've never been in a long relationship,
I also love the oscar wilde one 'a life without laughter?' I really do believe that the way to get to me is by laughter :) .. I also related to the last one, when at the end she feels alive... I love so many but I think those are the top 3... what's your fav 1?
umm well, I too don't have an exact favorite, but the 1st one that always comes to my mind is the one where the guys is tryin 2 talk to the other guy. it's awfully gay I know but I totally wish I was that daring! as to go on and on and sayin whatever comes 2 my mind (stupid pubbering as it was) and then in the end leave my number and go! there's also that one if the station where the city guide tells u not to look in the eyes of strangers.. it gave me ideas! there's also the natalie portman one and the Wilde one, also the vampire one: this was totally strange! also the sad monotonous canadian tourist, it was acually made me so frightfully sad!
okay guess that's enough!
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